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About xXRedBananaBoatXx

  • Birthday 01/01/1900

xXRedBananaBoatXx's Achievements


Dirt (1/9)



  1. Right, so basically what I'm trying to do is make an adventure map using Technic (Not tekkit.) and my question is: Is it possible to make a TWO PLAYER adventure map using Technic? This is my first time making an actual "adventure/survival/whathaveyou map" and I would like to know. Any other helpful tips regarding this matter would also be appreciated.
  2. IGN: RedBananaBoat Have you ever been banned: No What do you plan to do on the server: I plan on having as much fun as I can, and learn as much as I can from others What is your experience level with Tekkit?: I am still learning how to do the basic things by watching YouTube videos. To give a proper answer though, I think I'm good enough to try and sign up for this server.
  3. Well damn this is a shame ;(
  4. Are you always this high or something?
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