Username: colberts20
Age: 16
Location: (State or Country Only): alabama
How often can you >play: 4-5 hours somtimes more
What time(s) of day are you most likely to be on: 9:00-5:00 central time
How long have you played Minecraft: year and a half
Have you played a modpack before?: yes
If so, which one(s): pixelmon, hexxit, attack of the b-team
Have you published youtube videos before?:no but i plan to once i get some recording equipment and a mic
Do you have any examples: not atm
skype is dakota ervin just look for that name or contact me via gmail or facebook
i can do minigames just depends on if i have the server or not if i dont have it then tell me the server and i will see if i can log onto the server