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Everything posted by colberts20

  1. my IGN-colberts20
  2. App: i love playing on servers where people will help others if they can and not many servers are like this one from what ive heard so many servers are not whitelisted but almost no one on there will actually try to help each other thats my reason IGN:colberts20 What is your favorite mod in the pack? flans mod are you a builder, explorer, or tech genuis? i like to do a bit of all of them and explore what i dont know How well do you know the mods? im not too familiar with these mods but i can make some things Age: 16 Youtube: i dont really have one but i plan on starting when i get some equipment to record and edit
  3. Username: colberts20 Age: 16 Location: (State or Country Only): alabama How often can you >play: 4-5 hours somtimes more What time(s) of day are you most likely to be on: 9:00-5:00 central time How long have you played Minecraft: year and a half Have you played a modpack before?: yes If so, which one(s): pixelmon, hexxit, attack of the b-team Have you published youtube videos before?:no but i plan to once i get some recording equipment and a mic Do you have any examples: not atm skype is dakota ervin just look for that name or contact me via gmail or facebook i can do minigames just depends on if i have the server or not if i dont have it then tell me the server and i will see if i can log onto the server
  4. i tried to join but it said i was not whitelisted is the server full or something?
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