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Posts posted by Radevilen

  1. Awesome! that sounds like just the thing I'm looking for (if it works on singleplayer and my local LAN game between my son and I.)

    Thanks you guys, I really appreciate it. You've all been super helpful


    P.S. I cannot believe I misspelled GRIEFING in my subject line....back to school with me, please forgive.

  2. Thanks for all the input!

    Kezr, do you know if that command also prevents zombies and skeletons from attacking? I don't necessarily want to make the game a cake walk, I just hate it when creepers blow up my constructions!

  3. Hi Ya'll,

    I'm new to minecraft (been playing xbox version for some time). I started a minecraft account and got tekkit largely inspired by the fellows at yogscast and my son's love of the game.


    We've started up our own quest for the moon, using the "Moonquest" mod pack. On the video series by Yogscast it seems as though they had disabled a creeper's ability to blow up their stuff they'd built (while creepers' explosions could still harm them).


    Does anyone know of a way to do the same in my game? Is there a setting or additional mod pack to install?


    Any and all help is very much appreciated. Thanks for your input in advance.

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