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About Kenta7777

  • Birthday 01/01/1900

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Grass (2/9)



  1. Help me please ^^'
  2. I use EssentialsChat with this config : ############################################################ # +------------------------------------------------------+ # # | EssentialsChat | # # +------------------------------------------------------+ # ############################################################ chat: # If EssentialsChat is installed, this will define how far a player's voice travels, in blocks. Set to 0 to make all chat global. # Note that users with the "essentials.chat.spy" permission will hear everything, regardless of this setting. # Users with essentials.chat.shout can override this by prefixing text with an exclamation mark (!) # Or with essentials.chat.question can override this by prefixing text with a question mark (?) # You can add command costs for shout/question by adding chat-shout and chat-question to the command costs section." radius: 0 # Chat formatting can be done in two ways, you can either define a standard format for all chat # Or you can give a group specific chat format, to give some extra variation. # If set to the default chat format which "should" be compatible with ichat. # For more information of chat formatting, check out the wiki: http://ess.khhq.net/wiki/Chat_Formatting format: '<[FACTION]{DISPLAYNAME}> {MESSAGE}' #format: '&7[{GROUP}]&f {DISPLAYNAME}&7:&f {MESSAGE}' group-formats: # Default: '{WORLDNAME} {DISPLAYNAME}&7:&f {MESSAGE}' # Admins: '{WORLDNAME} &c[{GROUP}]&f {DISPLAYNAME}&7:&c {MESSAGE}' # If your using group formats make sure to remove the '#' to allow the setting to be read. And the faction name don't work Should I install Chatmanager ? With what config ? Sorry for my bad english and thank for your help
  3. Hello, I'm french and i need help. I have a 3.1.2 tekkit server with faction 1.7.5 ( beta ) When a player create a faction, the faction name is not existing in the chat. What should I do? I use Essentials, permissionsex Thank for you help
  4. hi ! what version of multiverse work with the transmutation table ? the 2.4 don't work thank ( sorry for my bad english, i'm french )
  5. "you don't have the permissions for this command" but actually i'm in the donor room x)

  6. Kenta,type /ar check until your whatever rank you were before.

  7. is it possible to disable this message ?
  8. Sorry, i'm french and i don't understand all of your message. I delete jobs for a moment ... Thank
  9. help me please
  10. Title: Bug with jobs Version: 3.1.2 OS: linux Java Version: i don't no Description of Problem: My plugins jobs spam my console Error Messages: Nothing IG Error Log: 07.08 06:00:50 [server] INFO org.bukkit.event.EventException 07.08 06:00:50 [server] SEVERE Could not pass event BlockBreakEvent to Jobs 07.08 06:00:50 [server] INFO ... 18 more 07.08 06:00:50 [server] INFO at org.bukkit.plugin.java.JavaPluginLoader$1.execute(JavaPluginLoader.java:302) 07.08 06:00:50 [server] INFO at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:601) 07.08 06:00:50 [server] INFO at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.java:43) 07.08 06:00:50 [server] INFO at sun.reflect.GeneratedMethodAccessor65.invoke(Unknown Source) 07.08 06:00:50 [server] INFO at me.zford.jobs.bukkit.listeners.JobsPaymentListener.onBlockBreak(JobsPaymentListener.java:91) 07.08 06:00:50 [server] INFO Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException 07.08 06:00:50 [server] INFO at net.minecraft.server.ThreadServerApplication.run(SourceFile:492) 07.08 06:00:50 [server] INFO at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.run(MinecraftServer.java:467) 07.08 06:00:50 [server] INFO at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.w(MinecraftServer.java:569) 07.08 06:00:50 [server] INFO at net.minecraft.server.World.tickEntities(World.java:1190) 07.08 06:00:50 [server] INFO at eloraam.logic.TileLogicPointer.q_(TileLogicPointer.java:413) 07.08 06:00:50 [server] INFO at eloraam.logic.TileLogicPointer.timerUpdate(TileLogicPointer.java:219) 07.08 06:00:50 [server] INFO at eloraam.core.TileExtended.updateBlockChange(TileExtended.java:98) 07.08 06:00:50 [server] INFO at eloraam.core.RedPowerLib.updateIndirectNeighbors(RedPowerLib.java:48) 07.08 06:00:50 [server] INFO at eloraam.core.RedPowerLib.notifyBlock(RedPowerLib.java:25) 07.08 06:00:50 [server] INFO at eloraam.core.BlockMultipart.doPhysics(BlockMultipart.java:29) 07.08 06:00:50 [server] INFO at eloraam.wiring.TileWiring.onBlockNeighborChange(TileWiring.java:243) 07.08 06:00:50 [server] INFO at eloraam.core.RedPowerLib.updateCurrent(RedPowerLib.java:1220) 07.08 06:00:50 [server] INFO at eloraam.core.RedPowerLib.notifyBlock(RedPowerLib.java:25) 07.08 06:00:50 [server] INFO at eloraam.core.BlockExtended.doPhysics(BlockExtended.java:63) 07.08 06:00:50 [server] INFO at eloraam.machine.TileBreaker.onBlockNeighborChange(TileBreaker.java:151) 07.08 06:00:50 [server] INFO at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.callEvent(SimplePluginManager.java:467) 07.08 06:00:50 [server] INFO at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.fireEvent(SimplePluginManager.java:482) 07.08 06:00:50 [server] INFO at org.bukkit.plugin.RegisteredListener.callEvent(RegisteredListener.java:62) 07.08 06:00:50 [server] INFO at org.bukkit.plugin.java.JavaPluginLoader$1.execute(JavaPluginLoader.java:304) 07.08 06:00:50 [server] INFO org.bukkit.event.EventException 07.08 06:00:50 [server] SEVERE Could not pass event BlockBreakEvent to Jobs
  11. Hé, j'ai entendu dire que t'avais un serveur tekkit an français, et je serais intéressé à le joindre, mais je pourrais pas dans les prochains jours. Est-ce que tu pourrais me PM l'adresse IP?

  12. Hello, i'm french. I want to know what permissions plugins is the best for tekkit ? Actually i use PermissionsEx and modifyworld but with modifyworld the miningturtle don't work and i have delete this and i installed a white list. I would people can visit my server but don't grief ( ModifyWorld do this but MiningTurle don't work ). Thank for your help and sorry for my bad english
  13. i have a similar problem, i used multiverse and i change for transporter and the transmutation tablet work ( she bug many times ) sorry for my english, i'm french
  14. The EE config file is : #MLProperties: name (type:default) min:max -- information # #Sun Jul 29 01:27:47 UTC 2012 I think if it is possible, the config file is in the .rar in the mod folder
  15. Hello I m french, sorry for my bad english. I search how i can change the emc values in my server, is it possible ? how ? Thank.
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