Minecraft Name: MondoDismo
Skype Name (required-Lady Z wants to speak with each applicant to ensure they understand the server rules): south3rng3nt
Age: 44 (yes, I'm old)
Experience with Attack of the BTeam! (1-10): 6
Favorite Mod: Tie - enhanced portals and archimedes ships
Do you plan to record? Maybe
What does Zaepora love? Errr, perhaps ocelots?
What do you like to do in Minecraft? Survey the world, spot unusual landmarks and create portal to faraway places for the community. I also enjoy building multiplayer arenas for light-hearted pvp, or objective-based multiplayer gamers
Why do you want to be on our server? I have my own (very small) AotBT server, but it would be nice to simply play for a change
What else should we know about you? I'm a mature (?) adult who ejoys video games. I am an educator by trade so I am comfortable in the company of younger people. I'm ultra competitive. As I mentioned earlier, I have my own AotBT server, so I could potentially bring some other players with me to your server, but I wouldn't presume to do so without establishing myself first and okaying it with the higher ups.