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  1. I tried that in creative, but I will try again, anything else come to mind?
  2. I am pretty sure because it was thin. But I will do that in creative and see if it looks the same. Thank you for the suggestion, anything else come to mind?
  3. Hey Everyone! I played on a server that just got reset, but right before the reset i saw a base that had this really cool block/item/whatever that actually displayed liquid. however it wasn't a tank or the liquid display, rather it was like a glass panel in thickness, and it had pyrotheum in one and energized redstone in another, and you could see the liquid moving around just like the square image of molten stuff you see when you search for it in the inventory screen. He made it into like a wallpaper for a hallway. however, i can't remember what he used to do that. can anyone help?! Thank you in advance, novaelite
  4. *Your in-game name: NovaUltimate *What do you think about the server?: I really like the respect the players have for each other and the helping atmosphere, i know some players have helped me out with the 'rp' stuff and answered other questions i had. In turn this has motivated me to help further when i see an opportunity. *Is there anything we could improve on the server?: It seems a bit laggy and i had to pass a bunch of basses to secure an area i could work in, perhaps some of these are players that haven't played in a while. Is there a way to see who is still playing and possibly clear out bases of those who haven't played in a long while?
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