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  1. I got it working. Used this video, but I used AOTBT 1.0.9c and not 1.0.5 that was used in the video...
  2. delete this post, wrong tab on broswer.
  3. I'm using http://kihihosting.com/ They said to download the MCPC jar and replace BTeam jar with it, but rename it to BTeam.jar... Run it and the plugins folder will be created. This isn't happening. Also, this is my current launch.bat file on the server. java -Xmx3G -Xms2G -jar BTeam.jar nogui pause
  4. Its not generating the Plugins folder... So I've created it and no luck.
  5. I've gotten this far except I can't find the 1.6.4 version of Lockette. All I find is 1.7x versions.
  6. I've been trying for a couple hours to get Lockette working on Attack of the B-Team. I've had no luck. I've placed the jar files in the mods folder.... What am I missing? Thank you for any help.
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