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Everything posted by Ritual_Guava

  1. Thanks for the help UnicornWarrior, it has been really useful!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  2. Select game or application (dropdown) and Device!
  3. I cant find anything to do with ports, along the top, is come up with five drop down categories, Wireless Broadband Home Network Firewall System
  4. thank you, im on, however, it didnt ask for a password, its just listed whos on the network
  5. does ipconfig show me? or should i use the website i know that shows me?
  6. yes please, that would really help! I'm using BT at the moment however as my parents are split up, sometimes i'm on sky!
  7. no, i mean like say his name on minecraft was dave but his name on hamachi was james, would this confuse the system??
  8. does he need the same name name for both hamachi and minecraft????????????
  9. So I'm trying to make a tekkit classic server for me and my friends using hamachi, however i can join, but my friend cant. Hes joined my Hamachi server and he's tried using both my ipv4 address and his direct tunnel.These are my serevr properties. Can someone please help? P.s I know theres no ip, ive taken it out so no one can hack me (I got told to do it in a youtube video.) Also I've been told to change my online-mode to false, i dont believe it, but when i tried it with true it didnt work either. #Minecraft server properties #Sun Apr 20 11:01:14 BST 2014 allow-nether=true level-name=world enable-query=false allow-flight=true server-port=25565 level-type=DEFAULT enable-rcon=false level-seed= server-ip= max-build-height=256 spawn-npcs=true white-list=false spawn-animals=true online-mode=false pvp=true difficulty=1 gamemode=0 max-players=20 spawn-monsters=true generate-structures=true view-distance=10 motd=A Minecraft Server
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