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Posts posted by TheJaGG


    Fun & chill server for people that love Minecraft and wish to play this modpack with others. There will be no map resets; we believe that there’s no fun in resetting the map.
    IP Address:
    Plugins: None
    1. Most important: No rule bending; a rule is a rule, no excuses
    2. Have FUN
    3. RESPECT Others
    - No Bullying
    - No Griefing
    - No Stealing
    - Don’t make fun of another player’s creativity
    4. Player vs. Player
    - Only if both players/parties agree to battle
    - Taking a killed player’s grave is not permitted
    - Respect their decision if they choose not to fight
    - Friends messing around and killing each other is permitted
    5. Don't ask for things like TP, Op, Time set, etc. (it’s not happening, this is a survival server of fairness)
    6. NO Spam
    - No excessive chat entries within a certain amount of time
    - Keep the cussing on the low although it’s somewhat allowed
    - Don’t type anything irrelevant and unneeded
    7. Advertising
    - Don’t mention other servers/IPs
    - Posting on YouTube is allowed
    Why so many rules?
             -We want to make this a fun environment for everyone!
    - You get 2 chances
    - First time, you are warned
    - Second time, you are kicked
    Server Application:
    In-Game Name:
    Why do you want to play on this server:
    What DO you like to do (Build, Mine, etc.):
    What DON’T you like to do:
    Experience with modpack (1-10):
    What is love:
    Squirtle or Pikachu:
    Thanks! Hope you join us in the journey of fun and awesomeness on Attack of the B-Team!


  2. Attack of the B Team

    In reply to add posted for whitelisted server

    IGN - TheJaGG

    Searching for great competition, no greifing all m hard work, and honest players.

    I am a competitive player, still learning each little detail in the witchery mod.

    If there is an age requirement, I am 18 years of age.

    I have skype, teamspeak, and the ability to record and submit videos to any youtubers on the server.

    I am really hoping to get the opportunity to play on this server.

    I play anywhere from 25-45 hours a week. I am extremely laid back when it comes to player to player interaction, but I enjoy a good fight every once in a while.

    If you are considering White-Listing me to this server, I can be contacted by 2 ways, either by email, or skype.

    My email is [email protected]

    My skype is thejagg1012

    Thank you for your time and consideration, I hope to hear from you soon. Sayanora~~



    ( ) ( ) TO FOLLOW YOUR FORMAT ( ) ( )


    In-Game Name: TheJaGG
    Age: 18
    Why do you want to play on this server: Great competition, Fair-Play, No Greifing Hard Work, Player to Player interaction
    What DO you like to do (Build, Mine, etc.): I enjoy Witchery, Building, and Farming
    What DON’T you like to do: Greif, and argue with players.
    Experience with modpack (1-10): Not going to lie.. About a 4. I don't use all of the mods, but I know most of the blocks mods, (EX: BiblioCraft, OpenBlocks. etc.)
    What is love: Baby Don't Hurt Me! No MORE!
    Squirtle or Pikachu: Pikachu, sorry Squirtle... But Pikachu is sarcastic, funny, kind, and protective. He meets my character description better than squirtle
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