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Posts posted by LexyisAmazing

  1. I'm writing an application for 2 people since I have a lazy friend.



    IRL name (First Name) Alexa


    In Game Name: apbooth


    Skype name (mandatory): Cheetah363


    Age: (13-99) 17


    How experienced are u with the mod pack: (1-10) Depends on the which specific mod but all around probably around 7


    What do you want to do on the server: Build Play little jokes on people, like putting a fan in their house or whatever. But I just want a smallish server to be able to mess around with all the mods and build.


    Why you should join the server: I can help if anyone needs it and I would really enjoy playing on a small server.


    Will you be recording and if so what is your channel? (Optional): I am not sure if My friend and I are going to record, however we have been wanting too. Although, there's nothing on our channel and I sort of want to make a new one with a better name xD




    My Friend

    IRL name (First Name) Gabby


    In Game Name: Hikari_Okuma


    Skype name (mandatory): Animegal1251


    Age: (13-99) 17


    How experienced are u with the mod pack: (1-10) 6


    What do you want to do on the server: Play around with the mod packs help other people out make friends and such


    Why you should join the server: I am fairly acquainted with the mod packs and can help anyone who needs the help. I am also a very friendly/nice person and would really enjoy being on a small server and make some friends.


    Will you be recording and if so what is your channel? (Optional): We have a channel with nothing on it and may change the name but recording sounds like fun.

  2. Application:


    IGN: apbooth


    Age (Don't have to say): 17


    Skype (you may PM me if you wish): I will PM 


    Why would you like to join the server?: I want a small server that my friend and I an learn the mods and perhaps record a series (maybe?) we were on one however it was too big, singleplayer isnt much fun most of these mods are meant for multiplayer.


    Why would other people want you to be on the server?: I am a friendly person that knows stuff about certain mods that can help anyone who needs it



    My friends Application since she is lazy and doesn't have an account on here.

    will PM
    My friend and I were looking for a cool b-team server to join together cuz it would be totally fun and stuff
    I'm really friendly and hyper and fun to talk to and stuff
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