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Posts posted by cccminer

  1. Hi I've wanted to join a aotbt server for a few weeks and I hope this is the one

    My name is Austin

    My in game name is cccminer

    My skype is Austin.Cardon

    I am 16 years old

    I'd say for experience I'm like a 6

    I want to build very detailed and work on mixing mods for something epic

    I should join because I can make some pretty neat stuff given the time

    Thanks for reading this I hope you will consider me

  2. Hello my name is Austin and I would really like to join your server it sounds like a lot of fun

    IGN: cccminer

    Age: 16

    What are you good at?: I like learning about different mods and coming up with a way to make them work together

    Why should you pick me?: I don't want to be cocky and say I'm an amazing builder but I do like to say that I can bring alot of interesting and cool things to do

    Why do you want to join?: I like playing with other people because it's really more of a multi player modpack. I've tried other servers (non whitelisted ones) and it just isn't the same feel if you know every body who will play on the server then you can learn to trust them and have fun with them

    YouTube: N/A but maybe in the future

    Time zone: Mountain time Utah

    Skips: Austin.Cardon

    Thanks for taking the time to read this and if I do make it it would be the most convenient to just pm me on here. Thanks again I hope you will consider me!

    1. Minecraft Name: cccminer
    2. Skype Name: Austin.Cardon
    3. Age:16
    4. Experience with Attack of the BTeam! (1-10): 5
    5. Favorite Mod: I love tinkers' construct but what i am hoping to get into witchery
    6. Do you plan to record? No but mabye in the future
    7. What does Zaepora love? she loves ocelots quite a bit but also she likes warm hugs!  :)
    8. What do you like to do in Minecraft? i like to explore all the different mods and build 
    9. Why do you want to be on our server? Witchery is kind of a boring mod if you dont have anybody to play pranks on. No just kidding i like to play with other people and work together
    10. What else should we know about you? I just really love basketball!!! (please tell me you get where this comes from)
  3. name: Austin


    In-game name: cccminer

    How much do you know about the Modpack: I feel like i know quite a lot and want to learn more

    Why should i pick you: because I like to interact with other players and have lots of fun

    Are you an Adventure/builder/crafter: id say im a little of all three but if i had to pick one then it would probably be adventure

  4. 1. ign: cccminer

    2 age:16

    3. skype:Austin.Cardon

    4. any ideas for the server?: i personally like to add mods like thaum craft and ars magica 2, and i also like to change the cofh core mode so that the ore spawning is not so op i just like to set it a little higher than the defaults

    5. what are your favorite mods?: tinkers' construct, MineFactory Reloaded, Witchery

    6. how long have you been playing? a few weeks

    7. Any thing else i need to know? not that i can think of but if you have any questions please send me a message.


    and i was just wondering if pranks are alowed. but not greifing pranks

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