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Posts posted by Zervanic

  1. Today I updated my modpack with the Legacyjavafix, and it seems to work for my friends who have java 1.8

    Thing is, all of a sudden I'm having a major graphical bug and I can't seem to fix it.
    I didn't have it when I first launched after the update - it did appear when I started turning on my anisotropic filtering (which is why I turned it off again).
    After restarting the launcher and logging into my world, though, I seem to have this bug constantly and can't find a way to fix it...

    Graphic bug

  2. Micdoodles' site suggested downloading stable builds rather than the latest builds, which is why I downloaded 1084. I'll update these things now.
    Copy.com acted weird when I updated, got a hard time to actually get any download/share links.
    Thanks again.

    EDIT: seems to work now. Cheers!

  3. So yesterday I updated my modpack (only updated the galacticraft version for the latest one) and now I can't play single player anymore. When I create a world/select a world to play, it starts loading and I end up back in the main menu. When I try again, java crashes. What happened? :s

  4. Hi!


    Been a while :)

    I've been making a set-up for infinite MJ-production using fruit juice and biomass. This has worked for quite some time, got plenty of fruit-juice and biomass too. But for some reason my squeezers have stopped working. They are all supplied with power (5MJ's/each, checked all the piping and if the biomass engines are still running - this is the case) and they can constantly receive more apples or papaya's using the thermal expansion pipes.
    For some unknown reason all the squeezers stopped mid-process and won't continue since. I haven't changed anything to the config files.


    This is what I mean, no progress

    I've only been able to fix this once at random after several server reboots.





    It had to do with bugged kinesis pipes not sending energy through because there was only 1 golden kinesis pipe in between the wooden and phased (transport) pipe... God that was hell to find.

  5. Well, that's how I ended up at the Curseforge. As you can see, the provide a direct link to that download section in the list for MC version 1.6.2-1.6.4


    Anyway, I've stopped the server as I'm going to bed now, but I wanted to see if the rendering kept going so restarted it. The rendering was saved and keeps going, and I checked the console during the launch, no more nullpointerexceptions of any kind appeared... Weird stuff. Thanks for your fast replies as always!

  6. I use the version for MC 1.6.4 and I am using the server launcher you suggested, that mcpc++ (so I guess it's the Forge one)

    I haven't really looked into the setup, I'm still 'rendering' the world as this seems to take ages.

    I got it from here  (Dynmap-1.9.4-forge-9.11.1.jar )

    This exceptions happen when the server first loaded. There's no crash or anything though. There's a bunch of other NullPointerExceptions that vary a little and a 'FileNotFoundException'.

    2014-06-13 22:56:44 [sEVERE] java.io.FileNotFoundException: .Beyond infinityregionr.4.2.mca (The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process)

    2014-06-13 22:56:44 [sEVERE]     at java.io.RandomAccessFile.open(Native Method)

    2014-06-13 22:56:44 [sEVERE]     at java.io.RandomAccessFile.<init>(Unknown Source)

    2014-06-13 22:56:44 [sEVERE]     at net.minecraft.world.chunk.storage.RegionFile.<init>(RegionFile.java:41)

    2014-06-13 22:56:44 [sEVERE]     at net.minecraft.world.chunk.storage.RegionFileCache.func_76550_a(RegionFileCache.java:38)

    2014-06-13 22:56:44 [sEVERE]     at net.minecraft.world.chunk.storage.AnvilChunkLoader.chunkExists(AnvilChunkLoader.java:63)

    2014-06-13 22:56:44 [sEVERE]     at net.minecraft.world.gen.ChunkProviderServer.getChunkAt(ChunkProviderServer.java:180)

    2014-06-13 22:56:44 [sEVERE]     at net.minecraft.world.gen.ChunkProviderServer.func_73158_c(ChunkProviderServer.java:162)

    2014-06-13 22:56:44 [sEVERE]     at net.minecraft.world.gen.ChunkProviderServer.func_73154_d(ChunkProviderServer.java:285)

    2014-06-13 22:56:44 [sEVERE]     at net.minecraft.world.World.func_72964_e(World.java:804)

    2014-06-13 22:56:44 [sEVERE]     at net.minecraft.world.World.func_72798_a(World.java:680)

    2014-06-13 22:56:44 [sEVERE]     at StevenDimDoors.mod_pocketDim.blocks.BlockRift.isBlockImmune(BlockRift.java:418)

    2014-06-13 22:56:44 [sEVERE]     at StevenDimDoors.mod_pocketDim.blocks.BlockRift.regenerateRift(BlockRift.java:257)

    2014-06-13 22:56:44 [sEVERE]     at StevenDimDoors.mod_pocketDim.ticking.RiftRegenerator.regenerateRiftsInLoadedWorlds(RiftRegenerator.java:50)

    2014-06-13 22:56:44 [sEVERE]     at StevenDimDoors.mod_pocketDim.ticking.RiftRegenerator.notifyTick(RiftRegenerator.java:29)

    2014-06-13 22:56:44 [sEVERE]     at StevenDimDoors.mod_pocketDim.ticking.CommonTickHandler.tickEnd(CommonTickHandler.java:59)

    2014-06-13 22:56:44 [sEVERE]     at cpw.mods.fml.common.SingleIntervalHandler.tickEnd(SingleIntervalHandler.java:34)

    2014-06-13 22:56:44 [sEVERE]     at cpw.mods.fml.common.FMLCommonHandler.tickEnd(FMLCommonHandler.java:141)

    2014-06-13 22:56:44 [sEVERE]     at cpw.mods.fml.common.FMLCommonHandler.onPostServerTick(FMLCommonHandler.java:274)

    2014-06-13 22:56:44 [sEVERE]     at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.func_71217_p(MinecraftServer.java:813)

    2014-06-13 22:56:44 [sEVERE]     at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.run(MinecraftServer.java:659)

    2014-06-13 22:56:44 [sEVERE]     at net.minecraft.server.ThreadMinecraftServer.run(ThreadMinecraftServer.java:16)

    Is that the information you need?

  7. So I tried to run the server with the Dynmap plugin, which seems to work, but while loading the server, quite some 'null pointer exception' errors appear. They don't appear when Dynmap is not in the mods folder. Any harm?


    2014-06-13 22:56:50 [sEVERE] java.lang.NullPointerException
    2014-06-13 22:56:50 [sEVERE]     at net.minecraft.world.chunk.storage.RegionFile.func_76706_a(RegionFile.java:273)
    2014-06-13 22:56:50 [sEVERE]     at net.minecraft.world.chunk.storage.RegionFileChunkBuffer.close(RegionFileChunkBuffer.java:23)
    2014-06-13 22:56:50 [sEVERE]     at java.util.zip.DeflaterOutputStream.close(Unknown Source)
    2014-06-13 22:56:50 [sEVERE]     at java.io.FilterOutputStream.close(Unknown Source)
    2014-06-13 22:56:50 [sEVERE]     at net.minecraft.world.chunk.storage.AnvilChunkLoader.func_75821_a(AnvilChunkLoader.java:304)
    2014-06-13 22:56:50 [sEVERE]     at net.minecraft.world.chunk.storage.AnvilChunkLoader.func_75814_c(AnvilChunkLoader.java:289)
    2014-06-13 22:56:50 [sEVERE]     at net.minecraft.world.storage.ThreadedFileIOBase.func_75736_b(ThreadedFileIOBase.java:39)
    2014-06-13 22:56:50 [sEVERE]     at net.minecraft.world.storage.ThreadedFileIOBase.run(ThreadedFileIOBase.java:27)
    2014-06-13 22:56:50 [sEVERE]     at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source)

  8. I think I better remove Atum for now. I tried to equip some of their items, but MC freezes (no crashlog is created). I fixed the ID Conflicts.
    There's still the Date missing texture too, and I guess the mod requires more time to develop decently. Can you confirm this? Or do you think something else is going on?


    EDIT: more specifically, it seems the item 'Nuts' agility' (IIRC, some powerful legs), seem to cause this crash. I had them in my toolbar, rightclicked and suddenly I was also wearing them (+ the view started doing weird things.)

    Here's a short vid to show what I'm talking about:

  9. Trying to play around with some stuff and tried to recreate something I had in a different modpack.


    So I tried to connect a dozen electrical engines to produce MJ's and transport them to a redstone energy cell using these redstone conduit pipes. This worked in another version of the mods and the REC had a different interfase and didn't work with this new thing 'RF'.

    I can't get any sort of engine to produce MJ's that go into the REC as RF, and wonder if this is meant to be... I can't see another way to store MJ's, which would be hugely welcome.

  10. Alright, apparently it was set to false. Guess it overwrote it at some point, when all the configs were edited (in wrong places probably, whatever). I set it to true and tried to 'cut' some things by placing them in a crafting table and using a saw. Of course, I couldn't cut them (yes, I placed them correctly). When I closed my modpack, suddenly the microblocks config file was enlarged to about 80kB with a lot of ID's and such. I have no idea what's going on now though.
    I don't even know if I want this. I think there's already tons of microblocks, don't know if we need more.

    Could you look at the ID conflicts? I'm not sure whether or not I need to solve these, because they didn't appear in the ID conflict log...

  11. Yes, I was running them in the MultiMC first, to see if it gave any big problems. There are some ID conflicts (according to the console in MultiMC, but they didn't appear in the IDconflict log, which is odd) with Atum and Forestry I believe, but as I said, they did not appear in the log.

    How do I customize those microblocks then? I thought I set it to true to auto-detect cuttable blocks (that's all I know to be honest).

    I'll update the pack with the added modpacks.

  12. Yes, that was my reasoning as well (about the chunks). I've changed the GC values to 0 and reset the BC oil to the default 1.0. This should balance the oil generation.

    The result of my modpack, running a quarry on 64 x 64:

    57 diamond, 65 draconic ingots, 53 ferrous ore,
    15 stacks iron and 5 ores, 2 stacks gold and 13 ores
    22 stacks coal and 31
    25 stacks redstone and 13
    6 stacks of copper and 13
    8 stacks of tin and 29
    3 stacks of uranium and 25
    3 stacks of lead and 44

    IMO, the spawnrate of copper is WAY too long. It doesn't make sense, because I got more tin. Configs are supposed to spawn copper more. (Only reason I can think of is because I've mined in an ocean biome and copper spawns up until y: 96 or something)

    Compared to what I gained from a 64 x 64 quarry in yogcraft extreme, the tin and copper is pathetic. In yogcraft it's especially the copper/tin from UE that spawns very often. What's your thought on this?

    EDIT: I'm running a 64 x 64 quarry now. I turned the spawnrate of the TE tin/copper off and enabled the spawn of tin/copper of IC. Going to check the results and see if that's better balanced. Might fix it that way. If it doesn't fix the issue of way too low income, I guess I'll have to increase the numChunks and such drastically in the worldgen config

  13. Running a quarry in both yogcraft extreme and my own modpack to compare the 'loot'.
    Now I've noticed there's a shitload of oil spawning. I decreased two values of oil. The first from BC, 1.0 to 0.7

    (# Probability of oil well generation


    and the other from 1.8 to 1. (Galacticraft)


    (# Increasing this will increase amount of oil that will generate in each chunk.
        D:"Oil Generation Factor"=1.0)


    Is this the same kind of oil by the way? Maybe I should just turn one of those to 0 then?

    Now, I've already created a spawn in the serverworld, so I think like 20-30 chunks are loaded (haven't moved around much). If I change the worldgen settings after a world is created, will the newly loaded chunks obey the new rules? Or do I have to create a new world altogether once I got my final settings?

  14. Yes, I've made a new world, changed some values and apparently they work now. Only TE copper/tin, which is good. I'm running a 64x64 quarry to see what kind of numbers I end up with and see if it needs further balancing. So the ores should be fine, I'll have to look at the old yogcraft extreme to try and find which allows me to see which chunks are loaded.



    This is what I'm looking for: http://tinypic.com/view.php?pic=2ih1102&s=8#.U2wHMFf8RHY


    I noticed how in the old yogcraft extreme there's a mod called 'appeng-rv9-f', and a quick search on google showed (though not a lot was shown in the right direction of what I'm looking for) some things pointing towards an 'AP' mod or something...

    Apparently it's added by 'APUnofficial, or Additional Pipes. The config is online: http://code.google.com/p/fdt/source/browse/trunk/.minecraft/config/APUnofficial.cfg?r=37 
    But I don't think the mod is still alive/updated to 1.6.4, because when I try to google it, I find 'Additional Buildcraft Objects', which does not add this...

    Ingame it looks like this, should it help : http://tinypic.com/view.php?pic=25asr9e&s=8#.U2wIU1f8RHY

    EDIT: Good lord, heavy digging made me find the APUnofficial update for 1.6.4, so I got the loaded chunk boundary stuff!

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