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  1. Please if anyone knows the cause of this i'd really like them to answer its getting to be at a point where I can no longer play Please this is my favorite mod pack
  2. I do not have optifine installed :/
  3. Hello B-team community I didn't know where else to turn to no one else has ever posted this problem so i assumed to come here . Ive never had any problems with the modpack before and I've been playing it for about a month now give or take. earlier this morning I logged into one of my favorite servers and I was met with some weird texture glitches. I thought nothing of it at first but it began to worsen as time went on. Now if I stay in one spot for a longer time the chunks seem to overlap I can see caves 100 of blocks away teleporting and spinning in my face. and all with an eire green glow to it. Ill include some photos of the problem and I hope someone else has had this problem and fixed it thanks again. P.S The same applies to any other server and single player world ~*signed name munched by Gremlins!* http://imgur.com/anwxC5Q,fB3ZlJC,YSFbnoB,1oIzn10,vsGfgCd,yHZDdnM,nDqUNUZ,NfaLQ7G,G2zmZFZ,HmcuOaF
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