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Posts posted by ItsLedgic

  1. This is for my girlfriend

    1. IGN: xXLadyKaiXx

    2. Age:21

    3. Maturity Level (1-10):  9

    4. Experience with AOTBT: LOL (some multiplayer stuff)

    5. Skype Name: xxevangalenexx

    6. Personality: A person who likes cats and video games who thinks she's a lot funnier then she actually is.

    7. Good at Building?: Learning to let creativity flow.

    8. Why should you be accepted?: Attack of the B Team looks so much fun and I think I would be an awesome addition to the community (and I need friends)

    I, xxladykaixx, have read the rules and have accepted them with pride and honor.

  2. IGN: ForsakenLedgic

    NAME (OPTIONAL): Louis A.

    AGE (NO LIMIT): 22

    WHY DO YOU WANT TO JOIN?: Because this sounds like an aqesome server and I would like to be a part of it.

    SKYPE (REQUIRED): Hitoriai

    HOW DOES A CITY SOUND TO YOU?: Sounds like it would be fun. Like we can all have contributed a small part to it.

    MOD EXPERIENCE: A few weeks with this mod, was starting to get into automating an xp farm for an auto enchanter and just having all these books enchanted.

  3. 1. IGN: ForsakenLedgic

    2. Age:22 Really 8 years old

    3. Maturity Level (1-10): 8-10 Depending on the pranking being done :P

    4. Experience with AOTBT: A few weeks mostly single player with one multiplayer server. I also watch Paulsoaresjr's videos on Youtube covering his AOTB playing.

    5. Skype Name:Hitoriai

    6. Personality:Friendly, open, sometimes can be very quiet and mute and other times ill be chatting it up in chat.

    7. Good at Building?: I would like to think so yeah. Have a few ideas of what I would like to do in this modpack.

    8. Why should you be accepted?: Because I am in need of a new server that has people in the same time ish zone (the last server I was on had people on the other side of the world from me so I hardly ever saw them) and I would like to do more of what is available in the modpack.

    I, ForsakenLedgic, have read the rules and have accepted them with pride and honor.

  4. For the past few days I havent been able to play on any multiplayer B Team servers. Every time I try to it always gives me the same error 'End of Stream'. I know these servers are up because Ive spoken to the owners of the server and they have restarted the server on my behalf but it doesnt pop up. In the multiplayer tab it says on both 'Cant Reach Server'. Ive reset my modem and have even flushed my dns and also made sure I am running the latest Java for my computer can anyone help me?


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