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Posts posted by FallenArchen

  1. Ign:FallenArchen
    Age:13-I mean i'm pretty mature for my age maybe even more than someone older so yea ;D
    Time zone:UTC+1:00
    Intentions for existance on the server:I've been whitelisted on few servers and i enjoy it.Of course when everyone is friendly.I also like working together and being nice to others: Yea i was voted for the the best friend and most helpful in class!
    Favourite mods:TConstruct,Carpenters Blocks,Chisel
    Past Expirence :I've played AOTBT since it came out and i know ALOOOOT of mods and how to use them! :)
    Is there anything else we should know about you:I'm usually a builder,creative but i'm pretty good with technology and redstone ;)
    Any extra companions:no
    Did someone recommend you:No
    Level of maturity:Well i stopped playing with toys when i was about 4 and now i'm pretty much mature as hell :D 


    And also pls can you just say if i get accepted so i don't have to wait and think u missed me :DD

  2. Ign: FallenArchen


    Location:Serbia-Hope that doesn't bother you cuz i can write and speak on English  :D

    Why Would You Like To Join:I want to be in a friendly community with someone to have fun  :D Not to be mean to others like in mostly all non-whitelisted servers.I want to be friendly and play with someone else.You know what i mean! ;) And also i'm mature since i passed the age of 7.

    How Much Experience Have You Got In AOTBT:I played it since it got out and i'm very good with it.Also i'm a great builder good with technology and redstone.

    What Mod Are You Best At:Witchery (Don't worry i would be a good witch),T-Construct,Carpenters Block and ALOT MORE!

    Skype:Fallen.archen6601  ;)

  3. Ign: FallenArchen


    Location:Serbia-Hope that doesn't bother you cuz i can write and speak on English :D

    Why Would You Like To Join:I want to be in a friendly community with someone to have fun :D Not to be mean to others like in mostly all non-whitelisted servers.I want to be friendly and play with someone else.You know what i mean! ;) And also i'm mature since i passed the age of 7.

    How Much Experience Have You Got In AOTBT:I played it since it got out and i'm very good with it.Also i'm a great builder good with technology and redstone.

    What Mod Are You Best At:Witchery (Don't worry i would be a good witch),T-Construct,Carpenters Block and ALOT MORE!

    Skype:Sorry messed something up-Fallen.archen6601 ;)

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