Weird? Look, I'm trying keep you from posting something on your thread that will get you banned.
Maybe that is why I sound weird.
Your alleging a mental disorder because I wrote a review. That's not something you should do toward anyone.
I wasn't expecting a hand-out or looking for pity. Your spawn area needs to be better kept if you don't want the area to be bogged down by resource heavy machines and holes. I fell because the machines near spawn spiked the server, I fell because your spawn is a gaping hole. Falling isn't the point. It's your spawn and your lag that is up for debate. Your claiming lag doesn't exist on you server? That's silly. There is lag. Every server lags, and when you have twenty machines in a few chunks of each other then any server would have trouble parceling the packets to the clients.
You can fix this two ways, expand the spawn faction to move the offending machines farther apart,
Use World Edit to keep spawn from being a giant hole in the ground.
I'm trying to help you. You don't have to take my advice, just don't get testy because I'm trying to help you and warn your incoming players.
Yes, I fell in a hole. When you stop laughing maybe you'll see I'm trying to proffer some actual insight here. Insight I didn't have to share with anyone. It was risk to even try. And considering your reaction, It was naive to think you would take it.
It's not that I'm smarter then you. It's that your not being serious enough to give me respect. So when your done laughing. Grow a spine and consider your server and how new players first experience it. Players who will not know the danger before hand. How is it fair to let them fall off the cliff like lemmings? The kind of 'Hardcore' just makes you a dick.