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About Khalvin8

  • Birthday 01/01/1900

Khalvin8's Achievements


Dirt (1/9)



  1. I'm on right now. the Server is up. There is no whitelist.
  2. Weird? Look, I'm trying keep you from posting something on your thread that will get you banned. Maybe that is why I sound weird. Your alleging a mental disorder because I wrote a review. That's not something you should do toward anyone. I wasn't expecting a hand-out or looking for pity. Your spawn area needs to be better kept if you don't want the area to be bogged down by resource heavy machines and holes. I fell because the machines near spawn spiked the server, I fell because your spawn is a gaping hole. Falling isn't the point. It's your spawn and your lag that is up for debate. Your claiming lag doesn't exist on you server? That's silly. There is lag. Every server lags, and when you have twenty machines in a few chunks of each other then any server would have trouble parceling the packets to the clients. You can fix this two ways, expand the spawn faction to move the offending machines farther apart, Use World Edit to keep spawn from being a giant hole in the ground. I'm trying to help you. You don't have to take my advice, just don't get testy because I'm trying to help you and warn your incoming players. Yes, I fell in a hole. When you stop laughing maybe you'll see I'm trying to proffer some actual insight here. Insight I didn't have to share with anyone. It was risk to even try. And considering your reaction, It was naive to think you would take it. It's not that I'm smarter then you. It's that your not being serious enough to give me respect. So when your done laughing. Grow a spine and consider your server and how new players first experience it. Players who will not know the danger before hand. How is it fair to let them fall off the cliff like lemmings? The kind of 'Hardcore' just makes you a dick.
  3. Just the gaping chasm that is your stupidity. See what I did there? I called you stupid over the internet.
  4. More players you say? That's nice. I'm glad to hear it. Maybe this response will net your server an even dozen fresh souls. You have 'PWNED' me sir. You have 'PWNED' me with your lousy admin-ing and your frothing anger. Thank you for vomiting all over me. I appreciate it. Let's keep this public from here on out, It gives the rest of the forums something to chuckle over.
  5. This gem landed in my Inbox. Warning: if you don't like server lag, not maintained spawns, or whiny baby admins, this server is not for you.
  6. I fell into a hole at spawn and lost a quarry and a full set of DM armor when the server spiked. I was member of the FNG faction, the house you went too was a base a I was building on my own to eventually expand the faction with. Though I could have replaced my stuff at FNG, I think draining your faction of resources for personal projects is bit rude. I'm not upset that 'game are hardz'. I am giving a review of your server, why I'm not there, and what I think could be improved. If you claim to have fixed these issues, then congrats. That was sorta the point of me writing it here. At some point I'll come back around to check it out again, but on my own time.
  7. After a week of play I'm leaving this server. Rating: Theme: 9/10 Great story. It caught my attention and I was drawn into the rp Staff: 7/10 the one staff I knew, (kmcguire) was the head admin and was very nice, though I never saw him address any actual issues that came up. Community: 7/10 Generally helpful, a few had admin status but never acted like staff. The group was small overall and thus insular at times. World: 5/10 Spawn is terrible. A small box shape with lights and Bcraft pipes. Immediatly outside of spawn is harvardous terrain not maintained by anyone. The World space is small and the architecture is nothing to write home about at best. Server/Mods: 4/10 No one likes server lag or bugs. espeically on a legit pvp server were losing a couple diamond machines and armor is equivalent to a full week of work. The Mods used to adjust EE are the best I've seen, but cause other issues. Overall: 6.4/10 I would come back if the following things were improved: Bugged Items fixed and better adjusted for their material worth. 50% loss on condensers is astronomic compared to the value of the item itself. 30-45% seems more reasonable though high. 25% would be enough to deter use. Spawn expanded and maintained to prevent the problems above. Spawn is what drove me off the server honestly. The World itself expanded beyond 4,000 square blocks. 4,000 may seem big until you have ten players after your stuff. At twenty players it's pathetically small. Build servers run worlds four times the size for good reason. I really don't write this to be a troll. I want to see RedStar excel. Without feedback these issues will never be addressed. And I wish kmcguire luck in the future.
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