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Posts posted by PotatoOfTheCunnington

  1. Ive been trying to download a resource pack bcuz the items itself dont interest me tht much. I really want a texture pack/resource pack but whenever i try to download a resource pack in the game n i try putting it on, the game crashes. I tried Sphax n Soartex but it wont let me put the resource pack on. Is there any way i can use one without it crashing?

  2. As i try to log in the modpack, i reset it because it wasnt functioning properly. But once i click play it tells me, " Error installing the following pack: Attack of the B-Team. An error occurred while tempting to delete CodeChickenLib-universal-1.6.4- from the cache. Please check your system settings. This upsets me because I'd always reset the pack when there was a problem and it would work perfectly. I would just place my saves somewhere in my desktop so it wont resets the progess I made. Please help

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