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Everything posted by SirFckShtUp

  1. Cobble craft is hand molded mod to appeal to the person who wants to be immersed. We have spent countless hours getting everything right. We wanted an economy that wouldn't collapse and a ranking system with perks that someone couldn't buy or exploit their way into. The server is geared towards magic and medieval times. You have four choices of magic to choose from, Ars Magica 2, Witchery (Updated), ThaumCraft, Blood Magic. The way the ranking system is structured to have the players spend time on the mods of their choice and be able to extend the game play without getting bored or hitting end game in the period of a day. As you rank up you will have to interact with the economy, Every rank comes with its own set of perks such as being able to start a nation or to put bounties on players. Some of the higher ranks will enable you to use certain commands such as /EC to access your enderchest from anywhere or /bench to access the crafting table from anywhere. There are several terrain generation mods adding an assortment of pirate ship, towers, houses, and villages with their own respected friendly and hostile mobs. Our economy is based on items that have to be farmed, Cotton, melons, pumpkins and a few other items that take a bit of risk to get. The current economy is set up to keep someone with an X-ray from advancing faster than any other users that choose to play legit. It's all up to you to choose and follow your destiny, so what are you waiting for? Come join us on CobbleCraft! No Banned Items from ARS MAGICA 2!!!!!!!!!! [1.6.4] CobbleCraft [PvP/PvE/Towny][100 slots][Rogue's mod] Thaumcraft LINK Reis Mini Map LINK Battle Gear 2 LINK Archimedes Ships LINK Ars Magica 2 LINK Chisel LINK Balkons Weapons LINK Better Storage LINK BiblioCraft LINK Blood Magic LINK Carpenters Blocks LINK Code Chicken Core LINK Cofh Core LINK Dragon Mounts LINK Farlanders LINK GraveStones LINK Hamsterrific LINK Hard Core ender Expansion LINK Lava Monsters LINK Natura LINK NEI LINK Powers Crystals LINK Random Things LINK Ruins LINK Statues LINK Tinkers Construct LINK Thaumatic Tinkerer LINK Walia Mod LINK Witchery LINK -BanItem -BloodShed -Buy Region -Chest Shop -Citzens -ClearLag -Config -Contrib -Core Protect -Essentials -Group Manager -HeroBoutny -Herobrine AI -Multiverse Core -Plugin Metrics -RankUp -Scheduled Announcer -Smart Sign Editor -Sparky Trail -Towny -Vault -World Border -World Edit -World Guard 1. No hacking or any exploits of any kind 2. No spamming/sexual content/cursing in Chat 3. Don't ask staff for op/items/money 4. No taglocking/Witchery in spawn. 5. No advertising other servers 6. No making towns in areas that you do not own. 7. No Greifing in protected areas 8. Chop down trees completely Please! 10. Clean up any nerd poles/hole's that you make 97% up time 24/7 Brew of Erosion (Bypasses World Guard) Wand Focus: Primal (Bypasses World Guard) SDX (OP item) Dynamite (Bypasses World Guard) Brew of Hollow Tears (Bypasses World Guard) Statue Hammer (Bypasses World Guard) We are currently working to allow these items for your enjoyment. Owners RogueTrooper596 Olionkey Tydron Admins GrrrBoB SirFckShtUp Mafia1950 Moderators PugPVP Web Admins OgToxic Developers Tydron (Config) Olionkey (Config) RogueTrooper596 (Config) SirFckShtUp (Mod Developer) OgToxic (Tester/Web Developer) To Do: -Find fixes for the last 4 banned items (Move spawn to dimension with alternate inventory an reconfigure towny.) -Ad T-Mechworks back into Pack (Dupe fix found) -add secret rooms mod back in. (large amount of item id conflicts) -Polish off spawn(OP shop) -Alter Rank Perks Fixed: -Reduce banned items list to only 6 items. -Item ID conflicts between a few primary mods -World generation issues -Corrupting chunks -Setting bounties on players MOD PACK: http://www.technicpack.net/api/modpack/rogues-mod Paste this into your technic launcher under add new mod pack SERVER IP: s27.hosthorde.com:25881 Paste this into multi player add server after the mod pack is done Paste this into add server Custom World gen castles Custom World gen castles SPAWN Player Shops
  2. Okay so after updated my server to 1.0.11a. Deleted all my old worlds and started fresh. Within 20min if opening my server back up to my 50+ players. The server began crashing every few minutes. Players were getting stuck in corrupted chunks. My staff and I got together and began trouble shooting it. First off we updated the JAR to the Latest Cauldron build *EDIT We ROlled it back. I did a full server wipe and we are still having the same outcome. I have attempted to //Regen the bad chunks and reset player data with no resolve. I resorted to MCedit with still no resolve. I took another approach and changed my default server type to biomes o plenty. Hopeing that was the issue. I'm lost on what to do now. Any suggestions? Here is my crash report a and a server log from when I tried to login. Any help would be greatly appreciated. --Crash Report-- http://pastebin.com/N9dtUcdQ http://pastebin.com/FxdQJw6x --Server log-- http://pastebin.com/vVanBX5f
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