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Posts posted by Woop145

  1. AGE: 17


    IGN: Kupo23


    MATURITY LEVEL: I can take a joke and make them. 9/10


    SKYPE: Woop145


    WHY YOU WANT TO JOIN: I've been searching endlessly for a small community server to play on, more specifically one that I can help people and get helped from people on. I think this is the perfect one for me and hope to be accepted!

  2. 1. In Game Name: Kupo23

    2. Age: 17

    3. Experience with AOTBT: Average, watching Bdubs' youtube series.

    4. Skype Name: Woop145

    5. Personality: Easy-going, fun-loving.

    6. Good at Building?: Above Average. I love me them microblocks.

    7. Why should you be accepted? I've been searching for a server to play on with people who aren't going to break everything I do. (I've had bad experiences) Also, I'm a fun guy! I'm willing to help people out, and am open to suggestions towards my own projects/builds.


    8. Anything you would like to share about yourself(Optional): I am currently in summer break, just graduated high school and am attending college in August, but that shouldn't affect my playing time too much. Also, if you prank me, expect a prank back. c: Another thing, please call me Woop. I lost my previous minecraft account (woop145) due to email being lost, so I'm using another account (Kupo23) I'm more likely to respond to Woop. I live in the Eastern US, so my time zone is EST.


    9. Favorite mod in the pack: Archemedes' Ships or Tinkerer's Construct. I like Advanced Genetics too.


    10. Would you be interested in donating to help the server stay afloat(decision will not affect whitelist): I would be willing, but I have no source of income currently, and am a poor (soon to be) college student. So maybe Christmas time ;D


    I, ____Kupo23/Woop145____, have read the rules and have accepted them with pride and honor.

  3. IGN: Kupo23

    Activity: It's summer now, so often. Going to college in August, but that shouldn't change much.

    Age: 17

    Modpack knowledge: I know a lot of the building mods and some of the more complicated ones. It will still be a learning experience with 116 mods in it.

    Favorite Mod: A mix between Advanced Genetics, Microblocks, and Archemedes' Ships.

    Skype: Woop145

    Donation: I'm a poor college kid, so most likely not. Maybe for Christmas or something :P

    I hope this wasn't too late of an application. Thanks for reading and contemplating anywho.

  4. Sorry to bother, but I just wanted to know when yesterday's applications were to be viewed. I'd rather know if I didn't get into the server and (hopefully) find another perfect server than wait for it. I know I said like a pain, but please? c:

    I promise if I get in to the server I won't be as needy. :P

  5. IGN: Kupo23

    First Name: Andrew

    Skype: Woop145

    Age: 17

    What you enjoy doing in AotBT: Everything. The modpack is great for doing whatever you want to.

    Most importantly write a paragraph: My name's Andrew, but everyone calls me Woop. Even though my minecraft name is Kupo23, please call me Woop. It's a friend's account, my minecraft account got lost when I switched internet providers (deleting my old email). :/ I'm a generally nice guy, as long as you don't mess with me. My one flaw I'd say is that I have a short fuse. (Like a creeper) I've been looking for a nice, vanilla server to play on with a friend of mine, and this one looks perfect.

    FUN FACT: I love Cheese, jus' sayin'.

    FUN FACT 2: I'm not too involved in what the modpack has to offer, so I'm somewhat new to it, making it ridiculously funny to play on the server with me. :P


    Hope you guys accept me! :D If you have any questions, feel free to contact me on skype.


    Also, I should mention that I live in the Eastern US. But that doesn't mean I won't be on at like 3am. :3 I am going to be attending college come August, but I don't think that will stop me from playing on the server (if I get accepted)

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