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Posts posted by EBlack34

  1. Application:

    1. In Game Name: EBlack34

    2. Age: 12

    3. Experience with AOTBT: I think its really fun and I have played it since it came out on the launcher.

    4. Skype Name: EBlack34

    5. Personality: Smart, Well Mannered,


    6. Good at Building?: Yes, carpenters blocks can be used really well.

    7. Why should you be accepted?: I just think I would have fun with other players in a connected network


    8. Anything you would like to share about yourself(Optional): no.


    9. Favorite mod in the pack: this is hard but my favorite is the CarpentersBlocks mod


    10. Would you be interested in donating to help the server stay afloat(decision will not affect whitelist): I don't really have that much money but if I did I might


    I, EBlack34 , have read the rules and have accepted them with pride and honor.

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