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Posts posted by death

  1. Alright man, thanks alot!!! Would it be fine if my Plugin list, as of now, is choptree, commandbook, diskdrivefix, essentials, lwc, recipemanager, worldguard, and worldedit? Would that all work with GM and will it take time to right the perms?

  2. I'm in the need of help with some permission files for my server. I am unsure of what permission plugin what to use, and how then to set it up. I got essentials on and it is saying that I cannot do certain commands as a new player, such as /spawn or /sethome. I am also not sure on how to add different ranks to the players. Don't be mad if i didn't post this in the bug board, cuz this is not a bug, just me being dumb at permissions. Please help me!!!

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