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  1. Okay, we sent the files to the mod's creator, thanks for the info.
  2. Hey, hope someone can help me find out why our Equestrian Elementals server always crashes. It has an uptime of about 10 minutes before it dies and creates these logs: https://copy.com/QrWjQTtwyMiMLN3U It already happened five times and I have no idea how to fix this. It worked fine until we added the Zap Apple mod today but after adding it there were no crashes for over two hours before this started.
  3. Thanks a lot, I will now write to the creators of those mods and ask when fixes will be aviable.
  4. We put in a replacement for splashes, the loading screen and picture textures, so that should explain the size. The other planets simply don't fit the theme so we left it with the moon only. Thanks for the info about the waypoints, will fix that. We tried now to remove all clientside mods we missed but kept Rainbowcraft and ZapApples since those mods contain blocks, items and even mobs, still crashed. Here's the log: https://copy.com/BcTrrtyWMU29k7Hl
  5. It seems it started another error: http://pastebin.com/jVfytFXN Does anyone have any idea whats wrong here? Thanks in advance.
  6. Sure here it is: http://pastebin.com/fE2CBxsa Nvm, i fixed the thing. The cionsole was accessing the wrong folder.
  7. I wanted to update my modpack to 1.7.10 and the client runs well. But the server doesn't want to start at all, even without mods. It doesn't even create any log files, nothing happens at all. I downloaded all necessary files ( cauldron and libraries) from sourceforge. Any ideas what's wrong here?
  8. Hey guys, I noticed many modpacks have their name as window title and not the default text Minecraft x.y.z. Could anyone of you tell me how to do this with my own modpack? I searched google for weeks and never found anything so I hope I'll get some help here.
  9. These conflits are the reason we got a beta, we wouldn't be able to find it with only two people. And the sponge plugin is now removed, will create a new crashlog tomorrow. EDIT: Alright, it was the plugin, now the nether works just fine. Thank you very much.
  10. My server is currently in a closed beta and we're testing my modpack if there are bugs and we found a really big and weird one: Everytime someone goes into a Netherportal the server crashes and we have no idea why. The weird thing about this is that it only happens on the server, being in the Nether works perfectly fine in singleplayer. I hope someone can help me. Here are the logfiles the server produced: https://copy.com/P7wRPXWwnf7v
  11. Hello technic users out there. Today I present you a Modpack I made together with a friend because we thought technic lacks good pony Modpacks. Since this is our very first Modpack we don't have fancy things like trailers or worlds but we hope you'll like the Modpack anyways because we put all our time in creating the modpack, not in well-designed descriptions and stuff so we get a better pack. So here's the Pack, Equestrian Elementals. We wish you a lot of fun with this and you give some upvotes
  12. Thank you so very much, with the file you linked everything works fine both on my Mac and his Windows 8. You sir are awesome.
  13. Hi, I hope someone can help me. I made a pack together with a friend but when we download it and try to start the game the Launcher closes and nothing happens. Here's the Modpack and the Download itself.
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