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Posts posted by noob4fun

  1. As Neowulf has stated above, a PC version of the game doesn't exist. There are there possibilities.

    1. No work has been done on a PC version and a PC version is several months away.

    2. A PC version DOES exist and rockstar games simply wanted to build up anticipation.

    3. A PC version will never come. Much like how Grand Theft Advanced was not released for PC.

    I suspect option 1 or 3 is most likely true. If so, then theres always Saints Row or Sleeping Dogs(Set in Hong Kong).

  2. - What is your in game name(minecraft username)? 123noobback

    - Name one rule of the server. Be Ethical

    - Why do you want to join the server? I am new to this modpack and your server appears to be a professionally managed one. Thus I think that this server will allow me to feel right at home.

    - What do you expect from the server? A degree of professionalism and swift enforcement of the law.
  3. Ok so here is an explanation.

    Minecraft SSP will function like a server. This is to make life easier so that they only need to create SMP versions of their mods. Thus Technic will not exist as a SSP version but as an SMP version.

    Got it?

  4. I don't see that as a benefit. There are plenty of plugins that allow you to lock chests, but introducing a chest that you don't even need to lock into the main game breaks anarchy/raid servers.

    Well at least griefers and hackers that use X-Ray won't steal your stuff. I get annoyed by people who use X-Ray to find my hidden chests.

  5. Perhaps there could be an Industrialcraft power plant near the edges of the city and the electricity cable between the power plant and the city has been damaged. You have to repair it to be able to complete other challenges.

  6. it's a, "the feature still exists", but you apparently missed that part. I know it was probably hard to read the very first reply to your post. maybe you are like that one chick in the andromeda strain that forgets things when she sees red?

    Im currently reading the andromeda strain :D

    And if you dont have an internet connection, how are you accessing the forums?

  7. And then he will attempt to sue Notch for stealing a name from his game.


    And then he will sue PCgamer and IGN for not giving better than minecraft a good review.

    Then the yogcast for not making a video of better than minecraft.

    then some random guy on the street for not playing his game.

  8. Holy crap, a Terabyte? i would shudder to get your hosting bill. If you come up with a way to get funding i'll happily join in, even if it means clicking on adfly links for a few years :P.

    Edit: Just put up a donation link to keep the launcher going, it's so nice having that awesome way to launch vanilla minecraft...



    Yeah for guys who cant donate, we could have a adfly/adcraft page but it woud be OPTIONAL. I would click the adfly link like 20 times a day. I LOVE YOU TECHNIC GUYS( no offence).

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