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Everything posted by thirstycrayon

  1. Is there a mod where u can add worlds together? I have a world where i built a kingdom could i add that "chunk" of that world to another world? Let me know if you know what i mean or not. Is there a mod like this or would it even be possible to do this? Thank you
  2. nice, more power to ya
  3. i think they are all very well done and i hope to see these implemented into the game. Great job man
  4. what are the names of some items you would like to see in the game, or names that should be added to the list that names items, If that makes sense. E.g. reaching wand of toejam porous sword of sponge creepy bow of always-miss things like that, thanks for you time. How wacky can you get?
  5. Tons of good ideas in there, I like the adding of block placement per 5 str points. I think it would be awesome to add a Summoner class, A dual wielding class(or mix that in with warrior)
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