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Posts posted by TheAdubbz

  1. I just attempted to use PEX Debug mode to try and find out what the issue is and it says that [ComputerCraft] doesn't have the right permissions despite me giving it them. Does ComputerCraft not support the permission node '*'? (Which gives it ALL permissions) Because i attempted to use that yet it still didn't work :/

    EDIT: The exact error i received when using debug was:

    "CONSOLE: User [ComputerCraft] Turtle 4 checked for "modifyworld.blocks.destroy.grass", no permission found"

    Even though computer craft has that permission...

  2. I had a somewhat similar problem with setting up a quarry. Tell me, are you using PEX, Worldguard, etc?

    If you are, then you need to make sure that you have the permissions set for allowing the mod to change the environment. For example, with the quarry, I had to edit the buildcraft.cfg file and added a custom playername for the "player" buildcraft uses to add or destroy blocks. Then I took that custom playername and added it to the pex file with admin permissions.

    Yes, i am using Pex and WorldGuard. I couldn't find any cfg files belonging to computer craft generated in the mods folder or the cfg folder, or even just shoved into the root directory of the server.

    I didn't had to change any cfg files to get all the other mods to work, just gave permissions to [Forestry], [buildcraft], [industrialcraft] and [Redpower]. (And also opped them all). Computercraft must be using something other than a fake player name :/

  3. When you attempt to get a mining turtle to mine a block on my Tekkit 2.1.1 server, the turtle immediately stops and leaves the block sitting there. I would like to point out that i have opped [ComputerCraft] and set it's permissions up to be able to mine blocks. I also have tried doing the same with [Computercraft] and [computercraft] both of which had the same result. failure. I do not have factions installed however i do have world guard, however i wouldn't think this would apply as I attempted to use the turtle outside a protected area and it still failed. All other mods with block breaking capabilities work absolutely fine too apart from computer craft.

    I had no error messages appear in any logs when attempting to do this. I also couldn't manage to find a solution in another thread. I didn't use the reporting format exactly as this was a server issue and not a client one however my apologies if I should have included some other information (the server is hosted by a 3rd party host so no information on java versions etc. was avaliable)

  4. The team is aware of this, and it's on the list of things being fixed. They released it as is, because everything else was working and (mostly) ready.

    Worry not, it will be fixed (although you will still have to log in legit that first time.)

    Good to know! I'm not exactly surprised that Technic 6.0/Tekkit 2.0 are buggy, usually a lot of x.0 releases contain tonnes of bugs but the publisher/author just wants the game out there anyway.

  5. Firstly, this is NOT about the fact you can't use a pirated version in offline mode and bla bla bla, i'm talking about LEGALLY purchasing mine craft and not being able to use offline mode.

    So apparently after going online and downloading all the files needed for technic ssp, i decided to try and see if offline mode worked, and it turns out, without internet, the launcher gets stuck on the image where it has tools and says 'Technic'.

    The launcher should not be dependant on you having an internet connection all the time since maybe some people want to go away and have no wifi or something

  6. that all depends, lets wait for EE SMP to actually be out so they can look at it. then it can be judged.

    Well when it does come out (and is for bukkit (we all know, someone will make it)), they will more than likely put it into consideration since EE is already in the single player technic.

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