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  1. So, I'm one of the admins of a private server running a custom modpack. The problem I've found is that trying to dump out a bucket on the ground using an autonomous activator or a turtle crashes the server. I'm fine with just saying "Don't do that for now," but I have a couple of questions. 1) Does anybody know about this/is there a fix? (I'm running a 1.7.10 server, both mods are up to date, and I'm running .1990 for Forge.) 2) If there's not a fix, where should I report this bug? It seems like it's unlikely to be a problem with ComputerCraft or TE themselves, since it's common to both. Is it most likely a Forge bug? I've looked at the crash logs for both, and it seems like the commonalities in the stack traces are all in the minecraft scope. (net.minecraft.world.World.func_72939_s(World.java:1888) and net.minecraft.item.ItemStack.func_77957_a(ItemStack.java:144) being the common entry/exit points) I just don't know enough about the Minecraft codebase to properly direct this bug.
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