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Everything posted by mitola

  1. Username: mitola1 Age: 22 How long have you been playing Minecraft?: for a few years Do you know much about Voltz?: a decent amount Why do you want to play on this server?: beacuse it's whitelisted and 24/7 and also no lag of course. What do you like doing in Minecraft/Voltz?: creating my fortress and experiment with different setups
  2. I am also looking for a partner, im 22 with own private server for the channel and i can record on my pc aswell it does handle it so far
  3. yeah i found it too, will try to get you a save, i spawned once right next to it
  4. Heya I've done a few Tekkit and Technic demonstrations of how things work, spotlights for different parts of of technic/tekkit. What i want to make in the future is more tutorials of all kinds, especially for computercraft, redpower2 and EE. Now we have started with tekkit 3 videos I am also running private tekkit server for making the videos. Here is link to my channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/mitola001?feature=mhee
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