I have been having this randomly occoring problem in hexxit 1.5.2 in which some of the entity models/texture are out of wack.
Here are some screenshots: http://imgur.com/a/3nRhe
(Also, can someone tell me why there are endermen spawning in the middle of the ocean? I couldn't find anything on that.)
I'm not sure what is causing this. These are a few of the more minor situations. I've also had several cases where the entity is completely invisable. This isn't consistent and restarting doesn't always fix it. When a broken mob loads correctly, another one seems to break. I've also tried f3+t to reload all models and textures.
Entities I've seen affected:
>all the ones in the screenshots
>villagers (completely invisable except for a shadow)
>blue slime (killed the big one and the smaller ones were invisable.)
>boat (I was traveling and every minute or so the model would change)
I can't seem to recreate any specific mob to glitch.
I should note that I have optifine installed and have updated my graphics and chipset drivers.
I don't know if this is related or not, but I set the useSimpleEntityClassnames to true because the log said that if a certain message was spamming (which it was) then I should do that. (I think I was haveing problems before this too though.)
Anyone know what the problem might be? Should I change something in Optifine? Is it a minecraft 1.5.2 thing? Should I try the Hexxit beta? Any help is appreciated!