Ingame name: Rileysmum
How long you have played mc/b-team: mc: 2+ years - b-team: 9 months
How often you play mc/b-team: usually every day for at least a couple of hours
Country: Canada
Age: 42
Other information: I really am Riley's mum; I have a 5 year old who also plays Minecraft. I love playing modded mc, but miss the community of a server. I played on a vanilla server for about 3-4 months and really enjoyed helping people and collaborating but really wanted to get into all the mods. Avid B-team youtube watcher; Bdubs was the first of the mindcrack guys I started watching and that led to Generik. When B-Team started up, i started watching most of the server, and then started watching Hermitcraft peeps as well.