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Posts posted by mysticfeather

  1. My IGN is Mysticfeather, and I would like to bring to attention a recent griefing issue my friends and I discovered today on the server:

    Armor stands, pedestals for swords and weapons, and wooden doors are not protected by land claims. Thus when we logged on this morning, all of my valuable armor sets were stolen from the inside of my house on my claimed property - it happened to all of my friends in the area, too.

    I can't list everything that my friends lost, but I do know what was stolen from my stands - I lost my three sets of Hexxit Gear armor (Thief, Scale and Tribal), which cost a lot of time, effort, and Hexical essences to make, especially since I was in the process of enchanting them. I also lost a Headband of Valor that I looted from a dungeon, a pair of Whirlwind and Cloud Boots, and a Livingmetal Helmet and Boots.

    My friends in the area, Rikimaru_Tsuki, Sikk_Fox, and Archerthewarlock have also been affected. Archer had holes taken out of her house, and Riki and Sik had all of their various Hexxit armor sets stolen along with Livingmetal, Blood, and looted weapons from dungeons.

    For a server that is anti-griefing/raiding that we were relieved to find amidst dozens of 'PVP/Faction' servers, I feel this is a pretty big oversight and I would appreciate it if we could have our items returned to us as it took a long time to make them, and will take even longer now that dungeons and Hexibiscus flowers are becoming very scarce.

    Thanks for taking the time to read this.


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