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Dirt (1/9)



  1. I'm in game now if you want
  2. My name is Rodéric or RowDu31, i'm french and i have 21. I'm not a very very good player but i propose you, my private server. It is on "OMGserv", i have 999 slots, but we are 2 in this (my friend). It's not RP or créa, you can do everythings in (cheats for example). I want a good behavior with other players ! minecraft41.omgserv.com:10422 I have too an mumble' serve, for talk between us ! mumble22.omgserv.com:12784 and for the password, i give it into the game ! Have a good day !
  3. I'm stupid ! Thx !
  4. I don't fout it, can you give a link please ?
  5. Hello ! My name is Rodéric or RowDu31, i'm french and i have 21. I'm not a very very good player but i propose you, my private server. It is on "OMGserv", i have 1000 slots, but we are 2 in this (my friend). It's not RP or créa, you can do everythings in (cheats for example). I want a good behavior with other players ! minecraft41.omgserv.com:10422 I have too an mumble' serve, for talk between us ! mumble22.omgserv.com:12784 and for the password, i give it into the game ! Have a good day !
  6. Hi, i'm french and but i have my private server "OMGserv", if you can come play in, you can. You can do everythings, cheat or not etc .. we are 2 into the server but i hope, maybe, one day, we will be a lot of people ! i have 21, and i speak english not very well haha ! minecraft41.omgserv.com:10422 i have too, my private mumble's server, if you can, go into the server ! By
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