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Posts posted by JosexAntonio

  1. Hello, I´m 17 and I live in GMT +1. I would not be able to play on mornings but the weekend ones. I have Skype (My name is "JosexAntonio"), curse and TS; but I prefer using Skype as I am used to it. I can speak English fluently as I use it a lot when chatting with friends when playing other games. I had quitted playing Minecraft for some time (half a year more or less) but recently I started wanting to play it again. I have always prefered modded minecraft so it is what i always play. I started playing with the ftb modpacks and watching some let´s play, to remeber things i had forgotten about some mods or what new additions had appeared. Then I saw TPPi and just loved it, how the modpack was done and everithing, the only mod i would like to have seen and didnt is "Remain in Motion", a mod that is based on frames, like the old redpower ones. My IGN is "JosexxAntonio" and my email is "[email protected]". I would like to be able to play on this server because i really like playing on servers with few people, so u can know each one and trust them; in public server this isnt possible as there is a lot of people and there is always someone who tries to grief.

    I could start playing since the beggining, and if it would be possible i would like to have the server with "Remain in Motion" added, but is just a preference, not a necessity. Bye and thanks.

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