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Posts posted by PoLoMoTo

  1. Your post was deleted because it was on the bug board but not in the bug report format and you gave nearly no information.

    They are not outputting EUs, but they are still charging? Are they connected directly to a machine? Are they running through a transformer? Are the wires connected to the output side? Is the transformer aligned correctly so the 3 dots are towards the higher voltage? Is there a redstone signal touching the mfe or the transformer? Is there a duck in your server? Any number of things could be wrong, you are going to have to be a lot more specific, describe the situation, or post a picture or something man.

    Wouldve been nice if someone told me that... I didn't give more info because there really was no ore except that they weren't outputting.

    Yes, they still charge. They are hooked up correctly. And how the heck do I give information I don't have, this could be very useful please explain how one does this.

  2. Nah, we just have the "System" Folder. Which is right in the very first folder of the hard drive.

    Presumably if you delete it you fail at life forever and should never use a computer.

    I have better idea, remove HDD and throw it at you monitor. But seriously we should get back on topic and someone should help this poor fellow.

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