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Posts posted by Valdevon96

  1.     Hey Everyone! My friends and I started a server on the custom mod pack that we mode on Monday, since it is only three of us we were hoping to get some other people to play. This server is intended to be a small tight-nit community. We are looking for 2-3 people to join us that we can get along with and have a good time with. I am currently the only server admin, but this can be changed if needed.

        The mod pack is intended to be a touch-all sort of deal. This means the pack covers almost anything. It contains pretty much everything you could want, exploration, adventure, tech mods, magic mods, etc. etc. A decent machine is required to play this pack, at least 6GB of RAM. If you are having troubles you can always install some client side mods that help with performance. A full list of mods can be found in the first link.


    Technic Pack Link



    Server Information



    RAM: 3GB (this is why we have a small server, this can be upgraded if needed)

    Host: GG-Servers

    Location: US (closer to Canada)


    Server Rules:


    1. Everybody on this server plays 100% legitimately, including the admins. This means that op commands will never be used unless there is a very good reason. These can include losing items due to glitches, or crafting recipes not working as intended.

    2. There are no banned items or plugins as of yet, so be mindful of causing massive amounts of lag or using exploits as this will most likely get the items used banned.

    3. Obviously no griefing/stealing/killing is allowed, unless both parties agree to a prank war and/or a battle or something of a similar nature.

    4. Please use common sense


    Whitelist Application:


    If you are interested, please leave a comment on this topic telling me why you would be a good addition to the server and a little bit about yourself. Please leave your IGN and Skype

    If you need a template, you can use this one:


    IGN (and Real name if you would like): 

    Age: (16+): 

    Skype: (this is how I will contact you):

    Minecraft / Mods Experience:

    Play Style:

    Why would you be a good addition to the server?:




    If you have any question or concerns about the pack and/or the server you can leave them here and I will do my best to answer them.

    I will not accept people on this topic, I will add people on Skype and call them, make sure you are who you say you are, that I can have a conversation with you, and that you are not a homicidal maniac, and then give you more information about the server and add you to the whitelist. 


    Thanks all, happy mining.







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