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Everything posted by absence1k

  1. Alright, disabled my generators ( ), and that seems to have fixed the problem. I might try removing the chunkloaders and restarting the generators, but at least I know how to fix the problem now. Thanks a bunch!
  2. OKay, so after some fiddling, I've discovered that the entities stack up way fast when I'm not present at the generator(I have a chunkloader block there), but when I'm there, it's not that fast. Any thoughts?
  3. There's a Gem of Eternal Density in there, making all the cobblestone to, eventually, Red Matter.
  4. Hm, just removed 4k entities again. I have a cobblestone generator setup with blockbreakers, but the enteties fall into obsidian pipes and are brought into a chest. Could this be the problem? Thanks for the help, btw!
  5. Awesome. It fixed it. I've been looking around at our various quarries/cobblestone generators, but can't find any spillage. Do you know any way to check where the items are piling up? I removed 14k entities with the command, lol.
  6. What will this command do? And no, we dot have THAT many machines :)
  7. Launcher/pack Version: Launcher version:, Server version 2.1.1 Operating System: Windows 7 Professional 64-bit Version of Java: Java 7, 64-bit Description of Problem: So, my server started crashing yesterday. I deleted my own .dat file to reset my position back to spawn, however, when me or any other player enter a certain area of the map, it crashes the server. The area we can't enter is our homebase, so kinda don't want to see it go. Error Messages: java.net.SocketException: Connection reset at java.net.SocketInputStream.read(Unknown Source) at java.net.SocketInputStream.read(Unknown Source) at java.net.SocketInputStream.read(Unknown Source) at java.io.FilterInputStream.read(Unknown Source) at zu.a(SourceFile:137) at kp.e(NetworkManager.java:145) at kp.c(NetworkManager.java:267) at qo.run(SourceFile:76) Link to pastebin of log: http://pastebin.com/satgjfsP You can see the error start at line 298, which is when I entered the area to trigger the crash/timeout/overload. I tried disabling a couple of plugins to check if they were causing the problem, but no luck there.
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