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Everything posted by MastInvincible

  1. Fixed It (I think?) Thank you guys for your help!
  2. It's ok. But can anyone help me? I can't see any clear way to close it. Help!
  3. know this sounds reaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaallllllllllllllllllllllly st00pid but, I don't know how to close an error report to get on with my game there is no "X" buttton. It keeps on popping up everytime I start up the game.
  4. Help! I got technical today and I tried out computer craft. Knowing the basic I tried to make a program I tried to make a program to turn a quarry on/off. Edit: Fixed it, however, when I run the program it acts like I have just went on the computer. instead of sending a redstone signal out the back it just says file doesn't exist or no such problem. Anyway to make it know that what I've typed in isn't a file it's what I want it to do?
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