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Everything posted by muffindude414

  1. Name: Muffindude414 Age: 14 Do you wish to join Anyon (starting town): I'm not sure. Usually I will wander around, get started, and eventually find a town to live in. (edit) Yes, I would love to. Have you played IC2 or buildcraft?: Lots. More than I play vanilla, I probably am close to a guru. What is the purpose of a macerator? The purpose of a macerator is to grind thing into their more base component. the main use is to grind ores into two dusts, which can both be smelted for an ingot each, effectively doubling your ore output. It also has the ability to grind bones and blaze rods into five bone meal and blaze powder respectively. Recommendations(if you been invited):none Others things i should know: I love it when you can't use plugins to make an unassailable fortress with a few commands, and i strongly support the removal of EE. Although it would be cool if EE items were allowed, and formed some sort of "Black Market" There's my paragraph. Sorry for the length that you have to read.
  2. My friend had a problem with this. Did you try to redownload the launcher? It worked for him.
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