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  1. The teamspeaks Ip is temporarily Creepgaming.tk will not work, and probably will never work again
  2. Just update to a new 1.0 version! We are now using SOLDER. Now I can create updates and you won't have to redownload the entire modpack!
  3. Splendid! This should make a lot of my users very happy Thank you I did it manually yesterday. However after asking this I found this: '?do=embed' frameborder='0' data-embedContent>> Sucks that a lot of Solder information isn't centralized somewhere and pretty hard to find.
  4. Just spent the last 3 hours getting Solder working on my webserver and adding the pack. I did a quick test and it's running great, however I have a few questions that I can't seem to find answers to anywhere: 1. What happens when a player changes a config manually? Will it revert once he closes minecraft? Or only when the modpack is updated/reinstalled? 2. If a player adds, for example, optifine manually, how will that work when the modpack is updated? Will the file be deleted? Will it be ignored? 3. What happens when I remove a mod from the modpack or from Solder completely, will it be deleted on the client without any issues? Or must I always remove the mod from the modpack inside solder and then remove the mod itself from the system? Thanks
  5. Server is slowly filling up! Looking for a 2-3 more people during this time.
  6. Just updated the modpack and added JABBA and ArchimedesShips.
  7. Dang, that's a bummer. :/ I've still whitelisted you tho, and if you want you can try a few things: If it's not even launching at all, or crashing during launch, you have a few options: 1. Make sure to give MineCraft more ram: Under "Launcher Options" , go to Java Settings: Set it depending on how much RAM you have. If you have 4 GB Ram, set it to 2 or 3 GB at most. If you have 2, try 1,5. Never give it all your ram or it will crash. 2. Under Memory you see "Java Args". Try adding " XX:PermSize=256m " (no quotes). And see if it starts up now. 3. If you are heavily lagging ingame (I assume you tested single player), try on a server. Since when you play on a server your computer doesn't have to do all the work by itself. 4. Add Optifine to the mods. Just don't change any settings on "Chunk Loading" or your client will crash until Optifine is removed. 5. Install Java 8 if you have not updated yet. I noticed some huge performance boosts. If you're still crashing or something send me a PM and I'll look at your logs
  8. Still looking for a couple of more regulars to play with us! We're mainly 3-4 people atm depending on the time.
  9. Sorry the server crashed right after I went to bed yesterday, so we had a downtime of 4-5 hours. Really sorry for that. First crash since we launched 4 days ago. The mod that caused it has been updated and seems like it's fixed!
  10. If you're having troubles starting the pack, try the following things: 1. Upgrade Java to Java 8 2. In the Launcher options, set a minimum of 2GB! Always leave 2 GB ram for the system tho! (Example: You have 8 GB Ram, don't ever set it to more than 6GB)
  11. Just pushed a small update fixing a potential crash upon first launch! Send me a PM if you still can't launch the pack. 1.4 released. Removed Voxelmap (old version) added Liteloader added Voxelmap (liteloader version)
  12. Age: 19 Tell us something about you: I go to college and work so my play time during the the first 4 days of the week are rather limited to later at night. I like building near others not solitarily in the middle of nowhere. Im looking for a community with people to build with. Why this server?: It seems to be professionaly run with good quality and seems to have a fun mod pack. Do you agree with the rules: Yes i do. Anything else: Nothing really of note. Added!
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