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Posts posted by 88bryandamage

  1. Hi guys,

    This is a serious post to migrate my Tekkit Main map onto Legends. The problem I'm having is block IDs.

    I have two options: recreate the map from scratch (around 100,000 microblocks) or change the block IDs for each microblock and some of the basic blocks (grass, wood, leaves, stone, wool). Once I've changed the block IDs, I can use MCEdit to copy the built area of the map over to Legends or just copy the save file.

    Does anyone know how to change block IDs so they are recognised by Legends? To be honest, it will most likely take a lot less time to change IDs than remaking the map.


  2. With Tekkit Legends released, is Tekkit Main going to be left with an outdated version of Minecraft like Tekkit Classic? I'm making a map that has around 100K microblocks so far and the save doesn't transfer to Legends without everything turning to Obsidian. I'd rather not spend another year remaking everything!

    The blocks that I'm actually interested in are just the new woods and blocks, extra plants and even tall grasses.



  3. Oh wow, I didn't know about Carpenter's Blocks, thanks! I will be spending a lot of time experimenting with the different types of canvas blocks to see what works on structures. The Collapsible Blocks are something I've been looking for to make some sloping land. I shall have to search for more mods that are going to be useful for building.


    I set the 'clear weather' to 1,000,000. I'm not sure how the command is affected by creative mode, since I normally set it to morning as soon as it's too dark to work. I might try Optifine if the it doesn't work properly.

  4. Thanks for the prompt reply. I think I might just knuckle down and replicate the parts of the map that need it. The good thing about it is I can have both programs running so it's easy to check what goes where. Also there are things you can do with microblocks in Tekkitmain that you can't in the classic version so I might change a few features as I'm going round.


    Quick question, how do you disable weather in the Tekkitmain version? The classic one had an option in the menus, but the main seems to have a lot less configuration settings. I'm working in a snowy biome, so once I've finished my project I want to switch on snow again on a separate save, giving a different effect to my map. I don't particularly want to have to press the 'rain off' button in NEI settings every time it snows and I can't seem to find any solution when I google it.

  5. Hi guys,


    I have a save file in Tekkit Classic that I'm working on that has a LOT of microblocks. I wanted to start using Tekkit, which is much more updated, but was pretty stuttery on my old graphics card. Now that I have a better graphics card, I can use it with smooth gameplay.


    However, when I copied the save file to the Tekkitmain folder, all the microblocks turned into Jungle Wood Stairs! I really don't want to have to replace all the microblocks I've placed. There are several thousand...


    I was wondering whether there is a (simple!) way to change the original IDs of the Tekkit Classic blocks to the main ones. All the blocks I had placed have slightly different names and IDs, but they are all the right textures I want. The Tekkitmain has a lot more microblocks that I can work with.


    Cheers for the help!

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