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About Blaze17145

  • Birthday 01/01/1900

Blaze17145's Achievements


Dirt (1/9)



  1. Im sorry this is my third post here in such a short time, but well, bugs are bugs. My non-ops cannot use ANY commands. I have not modified permissions.yml (or whatever the extension is) or bukkit.yml(whatever the extension is.) I tried deleting craftbukkit, but now there's only /kill. What mod should I use? Does Essentials conflict? Also, even with craftbukkit gone, players still can't use commands such as LWC commands (Which I added) and AutoRegionGuard Commands (which I also added.) Help! This leaves them unable to protect their land!
  2. Yeah, um...title says all. If I throw a dynamite at another player with PVP off, it still hurts them.
  3. Hi, this is my first post to Technic Pack, and Im fairly ok at it. Not too good, not too bad...at playing technic pack, that is. Anyway, I have a private server (Run by Multiplay Gaming Co) and I get some sort of Null-void error whenever I craft an ender table. Apparently, my ID for it is 178, and the server ID for it is 251. I simply went into server files, and changed it to 178, but whenever i restart the server with the new preferences, it always goes back to 251. Is there any file by default occupying ID 178? If so, which? Note: My server and my players are running the 1.1 Tekkit Recommended build.
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