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Posts posted by Stormyweatherian

  1. I apologize if this has been answered somewhere obvious, I haven't been able to find anything. I'd like to create a Crazy Craft 3.0 server for myself and a few friends to play on and I'm not that sure how to go about it. I downloaded the pack and also downloaded MC server and put it in a separate directory. I copied over the configs and mods to the Minecraft server directory I created. I thought if I downloaded the right Forge server jar from the Forge web site, then I would be able to run it. But I'm not sure which version of Forge to download. The forge files that come with the pack have a version number in the filename that doesn't even remotely correspond to the site. So I'm kind of stuck.

    Can anyone tell me if there's a way to create a server out of this modpack using the launcher that I've missed? Or, if not, does anyone happen to know what version of the Forge server jar I'd want to use with this pack? I know it's for MC 1.7.10, but there are a million Forge downloads for 1.7.10. I tried the recommended current version (, but it didn't work so I assume that's not the right one.

    Thanks in advance if anyone can point me in the right direction! The pack looks like a lot of fun. 

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