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Everything posted by the1337doofus

  1. AotBT appears to eat all the RAM it can get, no matter how much I allocate to the game. I've got an incredibly strong, 64 bit computer, with 8 gigs of memory. No matter what I do, it either crashes on world gen, or dies after a few minutes, with a "Shutting down internal server", and the out of memory message.
  2. IGN: the1337doofus Reason for wanting to become a member: I want to play on a legit, no PVP tekkit server where I can put my EE skills to use Why should we accept you: I am a very nice person most of the time, and I have good experience with Equvilent Exchange 2 I'm also making putting in my friend DigsInLava's member app since he doesn't have a technicforums account. IGN: Digsinlava Reason for wanting to become a member: I see a lot of promise in this server, and would be glad to join its community. Why should we accept you: I am not one to do harm, and I've had some experience in Technic and SMP prior. Here's my other friend's, he filled his in (He has no technicforums account either) IGN: Minekirby Reason for wanting to become a member: I would like a good server to play with my friends on. Why should we accept you: I would never try to purposely hurt another player's experience with this game (I would never grief).
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