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Posts posted by LordTourettes97

  1. I was trying different ways to see if i could get to the center of the problem and i think i may have found it. I pulled up the technic launcher console and i was looking at it when it was loading me onto the server, when it says "connection lost end of stream", on the console, it says "[INFO] [Galacticraft] Unregistered Dimension: -28" and "[INFO] [Galacticraft] Unregistered Dimension: -29". Now i'm not sure if this is the problem but this is probably as close as i can get to the problem.

  2. I have been on this server for a little while now and just a few days ago my game crashed. i tried going back on and it says end of stream connection lost. I tried many different methods to fix this and nothing works. I do have the crash report I will show below. If you can just go over the crash report and figure out what the problem is I would very much appreciate it.


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