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Posts posted by redguy85

  1. i have downloaded minecraft tekkit and the server
    it workt for about a week
    something happend and now the server is not conettible through external ip (internal everything works)
    i work in the ict so the port forwart is ok (my laptop has dmz) canyouseeme.org confurmsĀ  port is openĀ the error is :
    java.net.SocketException: Connection reset by peer : socket write error

    the things i have tryed is:
    reinstal java 64 and 32 bit
    reinstal minecraft
    reinstal tekkit
    reinstal tekkit server
    opening a new tekkit server whit new world
    disabled virus scanner
    disabled firewall
    reinstalled network driver wlan and lan
    opening a vmware machine installed windows 7 and a tekkit server
    installed old java version
    removing mods from the mods folder
    adjusting the server.properties file
    other minecraft version
    resetting my modem
    factory settings modem
    calling profider (if thay have blocked java or anything else)
    change dns server (tip in youtube film)

    my laptop specs are
    windows 7 home preminum
    500gb ssd 50% free
    12gb memory 6 allowcated to minecraft tekkit server
    (java -Xmx6G -Xms5G -jar TekkitLite.jar nogui)
    cpu intel i7
    vga nvidia geforce gtx 850m
    500mbit up and down
    and yes minecraft is legal

    any other ideas how to fixthis error
    java.net.SocketException: Connection reset by peer : socket write error

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