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Posts posted by Slinky_24

  1. Im having trouble with my builder blocks, not sure if Im doing something wrong because I haven't used them in a long time. I copied my house with landmarks and blueprints, put it in a builder with all my materials, and powered it with 5 steam engines. All I'm getting is this floating block that slowly moves around the build area. Plz help. Thanks

  2. Hi not even sure if this is where I post this, if not please help direct me. I have experience with Tekkit classic, but I am a total noob to Tekkit. I just need some help deciding what to build, I spentĀ a whole 6 hours mining and I have a whole chest full of stacks upon stacks of different minerals. I just need some ideas of projects to work on because I am so bored. I already have a quarry running because I understand them from Tekkit classic. I was also screwing around with oil refineries in creative so I could do that I suppose. Any ideas would be helpful. Thanks. "Once again I am new to the forums so if I posted this in the wrong place I deeply apologize."

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