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  1. I've been using the cooking items, and get that you can just keep looking up obscure foods to try. It has just stopped being fun and I had hoped there was some other way. Thanks for the help.
  2. I'm getting really tired of having a chest full of food that does nearly nothing. Is there some high end solution?
  3. Alright, thanks to you both for the help : )
  4. There is a buildable world anchor? I didn't see anything in NEI. I realize the tree is a stupid place to live but it's SO PRETTY. It pains me not to be in my tree home.
  5. I'd like to live in one of the treasure spots, especially the tree house, but needing to spend a minute plus to get to a teleport beacon is kind of crippling, since I have so far lived spread out between beacons. Is there a buildable teleporter I can use? On a similar note, is there any kind of world anchor buildable? Needing to stand around my farms is not much fun.
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