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Posts posted by Hego_Damask!

  1. From the posts here, every tiny event that happens on one server simultaneously happens on the other. So it's one of 3 things.

    1: There is only 1 server and you guys are running 2 threads, which is against the rules.

    2: Your users are misrepresenting the conditions on one of the two servers to bump it in the forums. Breaking multiple rules and putting it well within my authority to spamclean their accounts and wipe hundreds of post from the forums.

    3: Your server group has formed a quantum entanglement between the two servers, causing events to happen simultaneously across distances and disparate environments. Such an event would break quite a few current laws of physics and would herald the dawn of a new age of humanity. An age of enlightenment and wonder as the laws of relativity are shattered and humanity masters both time and space.

    I don't know about you, but my money isn't exactly on option 3 here.


    Identical IPs, registration date, email addresses, and posting style/habits.

    I frankly wouldn't care about his multiply personality disorder if it wasn't used to fake conversations just to bump your server threads.


    No. Criticizing you is my job here. Blatantly breaking multiple rules is rude.

    If this were just a case of people enjoying themselves then there would be no issue. Except maybe a need to warn these poor souls not to drink any cool-aid you offer them.

    But these posts are blatantly breaking the rules, and frankly it's insulting. So either the shitposting will stop or I will clean the forums up myself.

    There are 2 servers and its easy to know just by checking there different versions and perhaps visiting and you would actually see. We happen to play on both and we would go play and post what we have done on the great servers. Both mods 1.4.7 and 1.6.4 have alot of the same things that the other has and both of us cross play. . We will be more careful because apparently we cant post  things that are similar to what we have done and post on this account only because your killing us everyone is afraid of posting here. Exile had to tell everyone not to post until this is resolved which is ridiculous;  We have to  be careful because we got someone who is mad about nothing i betcha there are 30 other servers that actually break the rules.

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