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  1. I have an Aspire 5250.
  2. Okay, turns out I don't have a dedicated graphics card and have an ATI/ATM. Any help here?
  3. According to a quick web search, I have a dedicated GPU. My computer may not be set to run on it, but I assume it would as I haven't changed the card. I'll see later, though. Thanks!
  4. Hello! Thanks for reading this thread. Any and all help is appreciated. Recently (as in yesterday) I made a modpack called "XenoTech". It focuses on technology and such as well as rapid advancement; however that is beyond the point. Whenever I attempt to play it, my game lags greatly. I have tried all my RAM settings, turned down the video settings to help me run faster, but still nothing has worked. My younger brother also has Technic on his computer, and the pack runs just fine on it, around 40-60 FPS. I'm at a loss. I have no idea what to do. Any help is appreciated! Computer: Acer Aspire 8GB RAM Technic running on 1 GB atm.
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