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Posts posted by frotkouse

  1. I have a problem setting up an MFE and MFSU to output power to my machines.

    I built an MFSU (same thing when I tried an MFE) which has power running to it through solar panels, wind turbines, and a nuclear reactor. The power comes in fine, but when I connect the output (I am 100% positive that I'm connecting it at the output) to a LV-Transformer it doesn't provide any power to my machines.

    When I connect the MFSU directly to my Quarry it runs fine; but, obviously, when I connect it directly to my other machines it blows them up.

    I set it up like this:

    } - Being the output side which you change with a wrench

    [Power source]---[MFSU}---[LV-Transformer}---[Machine] <--- Not working.

    Am I being an idiot?

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