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  1. Hello, When I first updated my modpack, everything worked fine. But now the new version of my modpack is showing only on the Technic Platform Web but not in the Technic Launcher. Can you help me? Thanks, Krystof11cze Oh it works now, nevermind.
  2. Hello, People who plays my modpack started asking for new mods to be added in my modpack. Can you tell me how can I update my modpack? Thanks, krystof11cze
  3. Hello, I have started working on my Technic Launcher modpack. I have downloaded all mods I wanted and moved them into mods directory in my Minecraft folder. When I launched my Minecraft, created the world. Everything worked fine. Then, I have created four folders. mods, config, bin and Flans (From Flans mod). Then I moved it in a zip file and uploaded it on Dropbox. I have copied the url and pasted it in to modpack. In Technic Launcher, I downloaded my modpack. But when I launch it, Technic Launcher disappear for a second and then appear again. Do you know what could be the problem? My modpack: http://www.technicpack.net/modpack/better-then-before.772920 Modpack in Dropbox: https://www.dropbox.com/s/kcrn3q2r88d3k7x/BetterThenBefore.zip?dl=0 Thanks, Krystof11cze
  4. I have the same problem but I have my mods in my mods folder
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